2018 Drug and Alcohol Update

Dear Valued Client,                                                                                                                       12/29/2017


Due to the recent change in the Department of Transportation drug testing panel adding hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and oxycodone we have been forced to take a look at our pricing structure to ensure that we are operating efficiently. Our first objective is to keep costs down for our clients while maintaining a high level of service. With the added drugs to the panel, we fully expect more laboratory positives and more Medical Review Officer positives as well as negative with safety concern results. There will be additional specimens that will screen positive that in the past would have verified as a negative.

As a direct result of these new requirements, the cost of testing from the SAMHSA certified labs have increased. The fee increase across the board for the regulated drug panel as well as the mirrored non-regulated testing panel will be an additional $1.50 added to your already contracted rate. This is a pass-through cost to our clients and we believe that this increase is fair and minimal with added extended opioids.

Also moving forward January 1st, 2018 we will begin a new structure of operation for our onsite routing schedule. With this change, ITI will be better to assist with the ever-changing needs of our industry. After much consideration and careful cost analyzes for both ITI and our clients we have come to the assessment that our onsite fee will increase by $5.00 to the already contracted rate on file for all onsite visits. This is still a standard one-time onsite fee that will be added to the drug and alcohol invoice.

Indiana Testing Inc. (ITI) is committed to providing the best drug and alcohol services to our clients. We appreciate and thank you for your continued support over the years, and we look forward to our continued partnership in 2018.



Indiana Testing Inc. (ITI)


National Substance Abuse
& Transportation Solution Providers
(800) 295 - 2587
(317) 271 - 2611

881 S. Girls School Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46231